Featured Creator: Brittany Alvarado

Gondola Blog
3 min readFeb 24, 2022


As a leader, Brittany Alvarado doesn’t just see where the path is going, she shapes it. Most importantly, she leads with heart and passion — which can’t be taught — it’s her DNA.

Courtesy of Brittany Alvarado

Mantra or quote you want to share:

A mantra I live by is “Everyone has a story.” I have it tattooed on my front forearm. And really what this means to me is that everyone has come from somewhere. Everyone has had their own personal journey that makes them special. Our stories connect us and for me, that’s the best part about life.

What’s out there right now that is inspiring you?

I don’t know that there’s something specific inspiring me right now but I will say seeing others accomplishing lifelong dreams or taking a risk to go after something they’ve always wanted is something that inspires me daily. Seeing others achieve helps make you believe that things are possible.

Do you have any favorite apps, gadgets, or hardware?

Twitter is my top app for sure and as much as I hate to admit it — I get lost in food Tiktoks way too often

I also love vintage clothing, so I’m on Depop a lot searching for some gems.

What’s something some people may not know about you?

I am a cancer survivor. I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer when I was 21 years old. I had surgery to remove my thyroid and cancerous lymph nodes and did two rounds of radiation but am now 7 years cancer-free!

Who is someone you want to give some much-deserved credit to?

My friend and previous colleague Kim Constantinesco. She’s the reason why I’m doing what I’m doing today. Kim started a company called Purpose2Play back in 2013. At that point, I was graduating college and hungry for a journalism gig. She took a chance on me and gave me the opportunity to interview professional athletes and write stories on them. That eventually evolved to telling their stories through video and the rest is history. I could say so much about Kim … I mean she donated her kidney to a stranger in hopes of saving his life. She’s selfless, empowering and I learned so much from her when we worked together. So she deserves the biggest shoutout in the world.

What is a piece of content you are obsessed with from another creator or brand?

I love the way The Players Tribune focuses on telling athletes stories from their perspective. I’ve been following them for years and taking inspiration from their pieces.



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